Variable FPS

5.13K viewsHardwaretimecode


We are looking for a solution that allows us to record sync sound between our RED Epic and our Zoom recorder F8. I understand that for a correct functioning of the tentacle sync you need to set the same frame rate for the camera, recorder and sync device. However, what would happen if I maintain theĀ  project frame rate in the camera but change the clip frame rate for a specific take?

Would the timecode get messed up or would we be still be “on sink” (even if the speed of the sound and the picture dont correspond) or would we affect the synchronized time code?

For better explanation, we are looking to use Tentacles on the field, where some times we switch constantly between frame rates (even though the general project frame rate is maintained the same, we might record at 25fps, 50fps, etc..). We understand it is not possible to have perfect synchronized sound without setting the specific frame rate of the clip. However would we be able to still keep the right time code so we could still refer to the sound clips and use them as reference for all videos independent on their frame rate?


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