Android app
Hi Ronen,
it seems that we have good news for you! We have (under)covertly developed an android setup app 🙂
We will release it soon. If you instantly would like to test-drive it, write us an email with the email address of your google account you are using on your phone and we will add you to the beta tester program.
The App on Android uses the USB port of the phone to communicate with the Tentacle. You will need:
- a phone running Android Lollipop OS
- a phone with USB host capability (OTG)
- an USB-OTG cable (on the go)
- update the Firmware of your Tentacle to 3.70
Hi Andrew,
I am Ulrich and I do all the hardware development and programming here at Tentacle Sync. There is the Setup App for OS X, the Setup App for Windows and I am working with pressure on the Setup App for iOS. Furthermore I am working on the Sync App for OS X and the Firmware for Tentacle Sync. You see, thats a lot of work to do. I will try to do the Android App, but I have no experience with developing Android Apps yet so this could take a while…
To be honest, it could take until fall maybe winter since the day has only 24 hours and sometimes I need to sleep as well 🙂 I hope you understand.
Hi Tentacle crew,
I know it has been discussed already and i understand the pressure you are in but still we would love to be able to control the unit with an Android app.
I worked so many times with crews that were not sure on which frame rate to shoot on till the last moment, in these cases the tentacle is obsolete without a computer nearby and i’m not going to work with my laptop in my bag…
Attached is a future vision of how it might look,
I wish you a good weekend,