GH5 Issue with 4K 10 bit clips

6.81K views10bit 4K gh5 passthrough

WHen rewrapping the files wit TimecodeTool by using both passtrough options (Video/Audio), the Tool is rewriting TC correctly icluding mute of the Audiosignal BUT somehow the VideoCodec is changed from the original AVCi to something aivx I never heard of. And so Media Composer (tried on 2018.3 and actual Version) wont recognize it. Long-G Clips the same … 1080p isnt an issue at all. ANY IDEAS?

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I don’t know about the current Toolshed version, but when i tested the syncing program from Toolshed a few years ago i found two major downsides for me;
1. It made new clips with the length of the video file. So all audio that was recorded when the camera was not running was not transferred. I have the habit to keep rolling after camera stop and try to get some setnoise straight away. Now we have to look up for the take to see what the handles contain. Too much hassle, so it gets lost.
2. It dropped my audio metadata. So all track names and scene/take info was lost.

DaVinci Resolve (free) also has a LTC reader.

I wish Tentacle was able to make a Windows version. TSS is superior to any other syncing program that i know of (and i tested some…)

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