H6 > BlackMagic, F7s, c300…

3.93K viewsHardware

Hello there –

I see a lot of questions have been fielded about the H6 and the Tentacle system seems to work well with most cameras I use in the field.

I am a total newbie to TC sync and wanted to know if I need two units if I am only using the H6 as my sole audio capture on a 1 camera shoot. Do I need 1 tentacle for each device (1 tied in to h6 and 1 for camera)? I am just confused because I’ve seen Tentacle jam from TC-producing models like Sound Devices and zoom f8, but I wasn’t sure if I needed one for both the h6 since I am using a non-TC locked device.

Happy to buy 2 since I often work 2-cam setups, but would love to get away with just using 1 if that is an option. I just don’t know how that works with stop and start on the h6.

Sorry for the dumb question — I am not a sound guy, but people keep making me one!

Thanks 🙂


I actually think I’ve answered my own question after watching your initial youtube video 🙂 However, I guess I just want to confirm that start and stop between the two capture devices (blackmagic camera and zoom h6) won’t create significant drift and that the tentacle system keeps track of all starts and stops from both captures on 2 separate clocks and then merges them in post.

Part 2: If I have multiple audio tracks (like 6), will tentacle sync software handle lining up all those tracks with the one video clip? Does it line up with an XML or does it create a brand new multiclip with one audio track?

Thanks in advance. Low budget, high expectations.

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