iPhone Setup App

10.63K viewsSoftwaretentacle setup iPhone


I noticed the app was available for download in Apple App Store (YAY). Plugged it in, got my headphone level set, but it won’t connect to either of my tentacles.


What firmware should tentacle be running? I’m using 4 pin iPhone sync cable, anything else I should do?


My is the iPhone 6s







I just received my order of 5 tentacles. Only 1 of them worked with the iphone app, and was able to connect and have its settings changed.

The other 4 would not connect, just kept saying ‘Tentacle not found, please attach your Tentacle to your phone via the included iPhone Setup cable’ I’ve tried all 3 of the iphone setup cables and none of them allow me to connect.

The first tentacle that worked, now also doesn’t connect….

When I plug them into my Mac they work fine and I can see they are all running 3.70 (October 15th firmware)

I am using an iphone 6

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