Issue sync 23.98

3.47K viewsDrifte sounddevice tentacle

I have a problem with sync betwen my sd633 and a c300mk2.
I use my sd as master on a tentacle v1 but the timecode always drift betwen the tentacle and the sounddevice..
At the end of the day i have 40s drifted..
The light on the sd still working but do you thinks it can be the sound device timecode battery?
Everybody is in 23.98…

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I am having the same issue but with the 688 and the Blackmagic pocket 4K. Weirdest part is every time I check the timecode throughout the day with camera, they appear to be in sync and the numbers are counting exact, but when brought into an editor, the timecode a mismatch from anywhere from 30-70 seconds in random amounts.. I’ve used tentacle and this mixer many times before and never have had this issue. All help is appreciated.

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