Jamming Issue

10.16K viewsHardware788t flash jam lemo red

I am trying to jam my Tentacles to Sound Devices 788t.


The tentacle is started in red mode and flashes the red LED slowly. I plug the cable in to jam timecode and instead of going to green mode, it flashes the red LED in fast flash bursts as though the battery is running low, but the battery is fully charged.

Please help?


It’s all working fine now. It was a dodgy cable. I had made the cable myself, and the pins were correct, but the core had a fault inside the cable. Re-built the cable and now all is fine.


Is this the same with all the Tentacles you have? If so, I would highly recommend to check your cables again. Tentacle wants the Timecode on the Tip of the TRS jack.


Yes, the tentacle is set to 25fps like the 788t. I’m using a 5-pin lemo to BNC, then a BNC to mini-jack to the tentacle. Pins should be correct as per the 788t manual and tentacle documents.


Hi Mark,

it looks like Tentacle is not getting a tc signal it can jam to. Have you set the frame rate of your tentacle to match the incoming tc source? What cable are you using?