Jule Cramer | Reputations

Jule Cramer 57 Rep.
Posted an answer
Tentacle doesn’t recognise B-cam

Hi everybody! To resolve this issue, please download the recent Apple Pro Video Formats from Apple’s support website, install it and select it as the MXF importer in the settings of the Tentacle Sync...

4 days ago 5
Posted an answer
Alexa 35 Sync Issues

Hi everybody! To resolve this issue, please download the recent Apple Pro Video Formats from Apple’s support website, install it and select it as the MXF importer in the settings of the Tentacle Sync...

4 days ago 5
Selected an answer as best
4 days ago 2
Posted an answer
Tentacle Sync Es wont jam with Mix Pre 3 mk ii at 29.97nd nor 29.97df

Hi Zack, I have just responded to you on the request you sent to our support channel. Please note that on the front page of this forum it says this is mainly his is a “users help users” forum. We are...

November 9, 2023 5
Posted an answer
Tentacle Sync Studio doesn’t recognize BRAW?

Hi everybody! Our developer who is responsible for the Tentacle Sync Studio cannot help fixing this bug at the moment for private reasons. But there is a workaround: just drag and drop the files from the...

June 19, 2020 5
Posted an answer
time code discrepency – Iphone world clock

Hi there! This is Jule from the Tentacle Sync support team. Let me explain how this latency happens when using a TRS cable instead of a USB cable. Basically it is about analog and digital transmission...

September 11, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Output volume and auto mic level simplified !!?

Hi Allen, we have changed the slider to a simpler two button set to prevent handling errors. Many users reported about being confused by the sliding option. They were wondering what could be the best position...

July 30, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Automatically sorting through different framerates

Hi Pierre, thanks for your suggestion. It is a great idea! Unfortunately so far it isn't possible to sort material based on different frame rates. We will consider a sorting function for a future version...

June 17, 2019 5
Posted an answer
No playback in tentacle studio

Hi James! Sorry to hear you are facing problems with using our Tentacle Sync Studio. If you have questions you can write to support@tentaclesync.com any time and we will be happy to help you. Could you...

January 9, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Windows + Davinci Resolve not syncing

Hi Nicholas! We are sorry to hear that you have encountered difficulties in the workflow with our Tentacles. Unfortunately we cannot provide documentation for all the various workflows people are using...

January 9, 2019 5
January 9, 2019 10