How to sync Zoom F8 to Tentacle or sync Tentacle to Zoom F8
Hi – please can you advise (A) how to sync the Zoom F8 to a TentacleSync Tentacle and (B) how to sync a TentacleSync Tentacle to the Zoom F8. Tried every setting and failed. For example, when starting Tentacle in Red-Mode and connecting it to the recorder’s Time Code Out BNC, the Tentacle’s light starts to flash red in a steady rhythm, but never changes to green to indicate that it has synced and switched to Green-Mode. I have tried setting the F8 to Internal free run mode for that and have tried setting it to External mode in order to try to sync it to a Tentacle. Luck with any of those attempts.
Please help.
Jose, you’re a lifesaver. I tried for hours to get my Zoom F4 to read Ext timecode sync from my Tentacle.
Then when I went back into the setup on my iPhone and changed the level from MIC to LINE it worked fine.
So again for anyone else’s benefit –
Tentacle Sync as timecode source for ZOOM F4:
- Set TSync module to LINE level.
- Ensure correct jack to BNC cable
- Follow steps in Zoom F4 user manual on how to setup EXT timecode sync.
- Voila’ you’re in business.