Premiere Pro Sync Workflow
Does the editor has a tentacle or can he use yours?
With the Sync software and a Tentacle attached you can export the synced material als videofiles and import those into Premiere.
You do lose the sound pre and post roll though, although you can always connect it later of course.
There is currently no xml workflow yet for Premiere. Although you can export an xml from FCP7 that Premiere can read i am told. Haven’t tried that yet though.
Just to clarify: What Fokke meant is that you can unlock the software by connecting a Tentacle device via USB to your computer. BUT: There is no need to attach a Tentacle via USB to your computer anymore. If you are a Tentacle owner you can get a software license key for free and this key can be used independently of the hardware.
Using Tentacle together with Premiere Pro, there are two options:
- If you are syncing only Video and Audio (no multicam), you can use the media export wich will create new quicktime movies. These files will contain the original video merged with the synchronized audio tracks in it. By choosing the “pass through” option, video or audio samples will not be altered. Transcoding to ProRes or AVC-Intra on the fly is also possible.
- If you are syncing a multicam shoot, I would recommend to use the XML export. XML is basically a FCP7 XML type, but you can choose an Premiere CC optimized version. Here Tentacle Sync Studio will create a multicam sequence with a video track for each camera and audio tracks for each sound recording.
Hope that helps!