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Hi, I´ve been trying to talk with the supoort team but as I´m not getting answered, I´ll try the forum.

I´m going to describe the config of my last two features;


1.- 2x Alexa Mini + 1 Zaxcom Deva + 3x Tentacles (1 for each device). Recording at 24fps. The three tentacles connected through 5pin LEMO.


2.- 2x Sony F65 + 1 Aaton Cantar X2 + 3x Tentacles (1 for each device). Recording at 25 fps. Tentacles connected to the cameras via BNC and to the sound recorder via 5pin LEMO.


In both cases, not only I wasn´t able to sync one camera TC to the sound recorder TC, but neither both cameras where synched…


I need an answer quickly as I´ve made an investment and all I´ve got are three devices that aren´t making the job. I need some kind of support, or any solution such as a refund or returning the tentacles for my money (I would prefer they started to work fine obviously).


Also, if any other member of the forum could give some feedback about a similar experience would be great.


Thanks a lot.




Hi, I’ve checked this parameter and it’s set exactly as the picture.


Should I leave the “Auto Mic Level” Box checked?


Right now I think both cameras are running synched, I’ll be totally sure tomorrow after synching at DaVinci with today’s footage.

The only loose end I got right now it’s that I’m not able to input an external TC source to the Cantar. We are trying to output TC connecting each tentacle at a time on red mode and then leaving them connected to the cameras. Also tomorrow I’ll verify if it’s working this way. What do you think about this setup? should it work?

I had in mind that the best configuration should be one tentacle per device, setting one of them in Green Mode, slaving the other two and connecting each to their respective device (sound recorder and cameras)… But we’re still unable to set the cantar to jam an external TC source…

There’s anyone who had the same problem or can show any kind of “walk thorugh menus” so we can see what we’re doing wrong?



Hi Daniel,

please check the output volume of your Tentacle. As stated in the Quick-Start-Guide, for use with professional equipment it needs to be set fully to LINE LEVEL. Otherwise the level will not be sufficient enough to drive TC inputs of professional equipment. We know some customers wich are using Tentacle together with an Aaaton Cantar without any issues.