Zoom H6 is not able to sync?

4.86K viewsHardwaresync-e zoom-h6

Hi guys,

I know audio recorders are a hot topic, but I’m not really getting the idea behind recording a timecode (white noise) into a Zoom H6, maintaining 4 lavaliers (XLR inputs 1 to 4) and connecting the Tentacle Sync E to the L or R on top of the device.

Or am I doing it wrong and should I record the timecode into XLR input 1, for example?

Right now I’ve been able to connect 4 wireless lavalier (transmitter packs) and have a 5th audio track recorded (L/R) which contains the white noise from the tentacle.

Because someone has to listen while doing recordings, I lowered the volume as low to the point where you can’t barely hear it, but it seems it gets recorded in the right way.

I was hoping if someone could tell me if this is the right order. The camera gets the right timecode from the second Tentacle generator. The L/R channel also holds white noise that matches the white noise from the camera.

However, XLR inputs 1 to 4 all have their own timecode which is different from the L/R. So when I import everything into Tentacle Sync Studio, it doesn’t automatically put everything on the right timecode on the timelime.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks! 🙂

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Timecode (LTC) is not white noise. But i agree it is not a pleasant sound.
The Zoom has no dedicated TC input, so you have to use an audio track to put timecode on.

If you cannot process the files before someone else ‘has to listen’ to it, you have to warn them. I would not lower the level too much, as an unreadable timecode is not what you want.

You have to use a tentacle on the camera and one on the ZoomH6. Before shooting, they have to be Synced, or Jammed. Then they output identical tc.

When aligning them in TSS the files have different start times, true. But they line up. When exporting an XML they line up like that in the edit program. When you export synchronised files the head and tail of the audio is cut off to the length of the video files and they form one new file.

Answered question

If I understand your question correctly, Monitor Mixer is what you need. Monitor mixer allows you to mute channels but still record them. Here is a video of a gentleman using it with an H5. The concept is still the same for the H6, but the menu and GUI are different. I hope this helps.

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