Hey Leo, please send your request with your detailed description of the issue you have and the pictures to support@tentaclesync.com. Thank you, Max
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Tentacle Support Max | Answers
Hey Clemens, everything is fine. Version 3.70 is the latest firmware version you can update by yourself. Version 3.71 is only available if you buy a new one. We will have version 3.72 in near future....
View QuestionHi Chalky, you need a special cable to feed your iOS device with timecode like this: https://shop.tentaclesync.com/product/tentacle-to-iphone-adapter-cable/ Best wishes, MAx
View QuestionHi Mirroo, genau für solche Anwendungen haben wir uns die kleinen Tentacles konzipiert. Wir empfehlen jede Kamera mit einem eigenen Tentacle auszustatten um sicher zustellen, dass alle Kameras im Schnitt...
View QuestionAs a European manufacturer we offer 2 years warranty as is demanded by law: http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/index_en.htm
View QuestionHi Will, we are currently working on the SyncSoftware and we probably will release a new version next week. That bug will be fixed until then. Thank you for that information! - Max
View QuestionMany Thanks Bart, this is a bug wich occurs when encoding material to h264 bigger than 1080x1920. We just have fixed that bug and we will release a new version next week. As a workaround you can select...
View QuestionUrich and I tried everything to cause a crash of an ARRI Alexa XT. We did a lot of tests with tuned Tentacles and broken cables but this XT we had at ARRI Rental Cologne was not getting worked up! I asked...
View QuestionHi Jordi, We are already in contact with ARRI. Could you please send us the log file from the SD Card and the time when it has happened? Please send it to: support@tentaclesync.com We are really eager...
View QuestionYou can just use an ordinary y-adapter (mono left / mono right -> stereo connector) like this: http://www.amazon.com/Hosa-YMM-261-Stereo-Breakout-Cable/dp/B000068O5H
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