Ulrich Mors | Answers

Hi, I hooked up the denecke TS3 via Tentacle to XLR with an XLR/TRS Adapter (not needed if you go straight to TRS). Works perfectly. I am just testing how far the Denecke´s own TC runs away from the...

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FS5 is always XAVC LongGOP - does the Software not support Long Gop Formats of XAVC perhaps?   ULI

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Short Result: TS3 (tc 25fps) ran off internally 1 frame against Tentacle Unit after 4-6hrs. Since the Tentacle is so small and energy efficient I´ll velcro one unit to the TS3 backside for production...

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Bestätigt. Fs7 und tentacles läuft gut!

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OK , here comes Denecke TS3 internal TC vs. Tentacle TC: Today I started the Denecke jammed to Tentacle, 25fps, room temperature. Direct test was 0frames off (perfect!) at 00:00:00:00 1h:20min (total)...

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HI Ulrich,   just received the IOS cable, Movie slate TC plugin is installed, cant receive TC though cabling seems right and Level is set to MIC. Any idea? ULi

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