Here are some audio audio files for your to test. With the latest version of Tentacle sync, the result looks like that : The files seem to be synced but are marked in red. Also when you export the xml...
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Vivien Fossez | Answers
Okay, I'll send you some files for you to test. I'dont understand for the red marked files on my screenshot. All of them seems to be synced with others files in the sync map... I've also a little problem...
View QuestionThanks for your quick answer. This is much better. There is still some file marked in red. Is it normal ? There is also a problem when exporting an xml : with multiple audio files (one with 8 track +...
View QuestionMy sound guy told me about a bnc cable for the sync. He was wrong, it was a lemo connection indeed. I've to order another cable, i'm affraid... Thanks for your answer !
View QuestionOk with premiere CS6 it's the same problem. It seems to be an incomptaibility with the xml and premiere...
View QuestionMaybe a clue : I'll try to import the xml in premiere CS6 (i've to download it)
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