ian shand | Answers

Hi This was test footage. We filmed using a Sony PXW X70. Audio was recorded with a Zoom F8. We used the Zoom to Jam Sync a Tentacle sync unit. I have saved an FCP 7 XML loaded it into Davinci. That...

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Hi Ulrich, I've just had a chance to read the forum today. I'll send the clips on Monday. I've just got some actual production footage that I'm going to test on Monday as well. Thanks   Ian

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Hi, Just sending the files to you using myairbridge.   Ian

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It worked great with the clip I sent you. I've tried a bigger project. It all syncs up in Tentacle Sync studio. If I output media it was fine. When I sent it as an XML  to FCP X 10.2 The audio seemed...

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Thanks Ulrich. We can't upgrade FCP X until all our current projects are finished. Once they are we can test the workflow with the latest version.   Ian

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