Arri Alexa XT Plus issue with Tentacle sync box

7.66K viewsHardwarearri alexa xt plus


I had some issues using Tentacles Boxes on Arri Alexa XT Plus. In EXT TC and Regen, in 5-10 minutes, the camera showed: system error broken timecode. And the camera needs a restart… and, obviously, unable to use my tentacles boxes for the rest of the day

is normal? Cause I had some collegues with the same issue with the same camera…

my boxes are with the last firmware and the camera firmware is 11.0.1

Can you help me?

Kind regards,


Jordi Salinas


Hi Jordi,

We are already in contact with ARRI. Could you please send us the log file from the SD Card and the time when it has happened?

Please send it to:

We are really eager for fixing that issue.

Thank you,


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