iPhone Setup App

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I noticed the app was available for download in Apple App Store (YAY). Plugged it in, got my headphone level set, but it won’t connect to either of my tentacles.


What firmware should tentacle be running? I’m using 4 pin iPhone sync cable, anything else I should do?


My is the iPhone 6s







I also am having problems.  I have updated to 3.70, I am using correct cable (one with yellow label on bag) I did clean my audio port out of any lint i could with a toothpick. I shut doen every app running in the background on my phone, rebooted the phone, tried turning the cable around, re-opening the app, etc.

i can get it to connect but only rarely.  maybe 1 in 10 times. sometimes I have trouble getting “Headphone volume OK” indicator to stay up.  playing around with it it appears to be either a heaphone jack problem or a cable problem.  apllting lateral pressure to headphone jack improves results.   i am using iphone 6.

UPDATE: I wrapped a scrap of Kimwipes soaked in contact cleaner around a toothpick and swabbed my headphone jack on my phone vigorously.  Now it works 100% of the time.  so entirely dirty contact problem.


Hi Craig, here a few tips (for you and others, so sorry when repeating things you already mentioned) to get the iPhone Setup App to work:

  • Please make sure you are using the included 4 pin TRRS Cable (it comes in a sealed plastic bag with a yellow “iPhone Setup Cable” sticker on it). The normal 3 pin TRS cables won’t work.
  • Sometimes the receptacle of the phone is dirty. Please make sure that it’s clean and the jack has a proper contact. An indicator for a proper contact is the appearing of the red volume bar at the top of the connect screen.
  • Make sure you have the latest firmware running, wich is 3.70. To install the latest firmware you have to download and run the latest setup app for MAC/ PC from our website and follow the instructions.
  • Make sure that the headphone volume of your phone is set to a high enough volume level. You can see a hint in the connect screen if the volume level is acceptable.
  • Please make sure that not other grab access to the headphone port. We have experienced issues with an app called “cast”.
  • Sometimes it helps just to restart your phone. We have to check what the reason for this could be.

Hope that helps!



I just received my order of 5 tentacles. Only 1 of them worked with the iphone app, and was able to connect and have its settings changed.

The other 4 would not connect, just kept saying ‘Tentacle not found, please attach your Tentacle to your phone via the included iPhone Setup cable’ I’ve tried all 3 of the iphone setup cables and none of them allow me to connect.

The first tentacle that worked, now also doesn’t connect….

When I plug them into my Mac they work fine and I can see they are all running 3.70 (October 15th firmware)

I am using an iphone 6


Hi Peter,

yes Apple finally approved the app!! To communicate with your Tentacle you need firmware 3.70 wich we have not yet released. We will release a new setup app for mac and windows wich will also update your Tentacle firmware to 3.70. Look out for it on our website in the next 48 hours 😉


