Tentacle Sync Es wont jam with Mix Pre 3 mk ii at 29.97nd nor 29.97df

Solved8.00K views29.97 sync issues Mixpre 3 red sync-e

I cannot get my Sync E’s to jam with Mixpre 3 mk II which I am using as my master clock. I can get all frame rates of 23.98, 24, 25, 30, 30df to work without any problems. I have switched out cables to ensure not a bad cable, but regardless of what I do, I cannot get the Sync E’s to jam when the timecode is set to 29.97 either DF or ND. Sync E firmware is 2.00 and Mixpre3 mk II firmware is 5.01 (all latest versions available).

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Did you ever resolve the issue Trevor?  I had the same exact problem come up with a Mixpre 6ii.  All frame rates work except the 29.97df and ndf.  I know that I’m getting LTC out of MP6ii, as I sent LTC to my 633 and could see everything coming through fine in the jam menu.  But for some reason the Tentacle E’s won’t take 29’s from the mixpre.  However they are taking TC from my 633 just fine.  All updates are done on all my devices…  The only thing I found was on the JW forum: someone had an issue with the Nomad sending 29LTC to Tentacle as well.

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