time code discrepency – Iphone world clock

6.67K viewsiPhone App Tentacle not connecting to iPhone

Myself and a friend who both own sound devices 664 were working over the phone together as we have a job coming up where the company are handing the runners iphones with a free app on called ‘digi-slate’ which runs off the Iphone clock. When we lock our tentacles to the Iphone clock (time of day) – there is over a 1 second difference between the tentacle and the Iphone clock (and digi-slate app that runs off the clock on the Iphone). Both of us have the same problem – both have the older model tentacles, both of us have very latest tentacle software which allows us to set the tentacle timecode to the Iphone time, and both of us are finding the tentacle is over 1 second behind the actual Iphone clock, and also the same over 1 second behind the digi slate app which uses the Iphone clock… Both of us are having the same issue, it seems as though the tentacles are locking to the clock over a second too slowly – we have tried it for over an hour and it is always over 1 second out on both of our mixers when we compare the tentacle time code to the time on the Iphone…. It’s odd both of us, living 30 miles apart, and working seperately are finding the same issue… Can you guys please test and see if you are getting the same – locking tentacle time code to iphone clock results in a tentacle timecode that is over 1 second behind the actual Iphone 6 clock and the same behind the digi slate app that runs off the Iphone clock… Thank you for any advice you can give.

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Hi there!
This is Jule from the Tentacle Sync support team.
Let me explain how this latency happens when using a TRS cable instead of a USB cable. Basically it is about analog and digital transmission technology.
When transmitting timecode via a minijack cable between original Tentacle and iPhone there is a 1.5 seconds processing time for the reading of the timecode. This is a technical precondition that we unfortunately cannot change. When you connect it via USB cable to a computer the transmission is faster and that’s why the real time clock matches the timecode information better. But please be aware that real time clocks cannot be an accurate reference for timecode synchronization anyways because they always differ slightly from each other. The only safe way is to use a timecode generator as a master for the whole setup.

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And… another test.
On my MacBookPro i have a program installed. that can generate LTC timecode based on the system clock. I jammed my 1st gen. Tentacle to this. Then connected it (through usb) to the mac application Tentacle Setup and, voila; in sync.
Then i connected it to my iPhone to see if it is also sync with the internal clock of the iPhone. And it is.
So, that also makes me think the problem is in the iOS.
So, it is not the tentacle itself. It’s somewhere in the iPhone DA or software, is my guess.

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Did you emailed your bug to their support page?
Please be nice and friendly; so are they. Provide a detailed step by step report to make clear what you did and what you’d expect, and refer to this post.
They are extremely busy with the IBC show in Amsterdam coming week so i expect that it might take some time for them to answer and look at the issue.
I did another test.
• I downloaded the Denecke  TC Toolbox app. It can generate audio timecode (LTC) out of the headphone output.
• I locked my 1st generation Tentacle to this. (using a normal 3.5mm – 3.5mm jack, not the 4 pin!) Headphone volume way up high. Wait till green mode appears (set correct frame rate!)
• Disconnected the tentacle, and reconnected using the 4 pin 3.5mm and started the Tentacle Setup app.
Surprise; the results are the same. almost 2sec offset; Tentacle is late.
So, maybe a newer iOs has introduced some latency somewhere. I am on 12.4

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Just tried with an iPhone 5S, above tries are with an iPhone7. I thought, maybe it is the lightning->headphone converter cable.
Same behaviour, same bug.

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When i wrote : “When i did used Tentacle Setup with the USB cable” i meant the application for my laptop. Sorry, that was confusing.

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So there is clearly a problem with syncing the tentacle to the clock on the Iphone (probably other phones too) as I used two apps today, digi slate and movie slate and both times the tentacle was over 1 second behind the actual phones world clock (as shown above)… This is when using the mini jack cable, however you say (answer above) that when you use the USB cable there is no problem, but how do you use a USB cable with an Iphone as an Iphone has no USB inputs so I am not sure how you have managed to make the tentacle and the Iphone’s time code apps to synch – what USB cable do you mean? I really am not sure how you have managed to get the world clock app on Iphone to match with the tentacle – I really am very confused as to why the tentacle is nearly 1.5 seconds behind the clock of my phone when their is an option on the Tentacle set up page which allows me to synch to my phone time – how can it be 1.5 seconds wrong? What is causing that delay as in the digital world that is a tolerance beyond belief that it could be that far wrong? Can someone explain why it is so far wrong please – I really don’t know how I can use an Iphone with a USB input either… All advice will be greatly received especially as to where a 1.5 second delay can come from in this day and age… 1.5 second delay is pretty massive to be honest and makes any digislate app unuseable if you are using tentacles and need the slate to be accurate… I have used tentacles for a good few years now and thought them brilliant so I am totally surprised that the ‘synch to phone clock’ option is a digital mile out.

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Just tested here, same results. 

I made a screenshot just before 43 minutes, see that the iPhone time is already at 43.
When i did used Tentacle Setup with the USB cable the results are good. My laptop and iPhone are both time synced. So, then i checked the iPhone app again and both iPhone and tentacle where in sync.

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