Search results Ask question Search Order By: NewCategoryTagClear Filter 4 Ans Live logging software with Tentacle Sync 2.65K viewsFokke van Saane Answered question February 1, 2023Softwarelogging markers sync tagging tc 1 Ans Powering a Rode NTG3 with the Track-E? 1.35K viewsTommyfilms Asked question January 14, 2023Hardwarecable ntg3 rode 2 Ans Transferring Tentacle Sync Studio License 2.35K viewshfern Answered question January 17, 2023Softwarelicense 6 Ans Tentacle Snyc E is not accurate, the Timecode changes?? Is there a way to reset it? 3.77K viewsRoni Answered question January 11, 2023HardwareInacurrate Problem Reset sync-e Troubleshoot 4 Ans multitrack audio sync using a daw 3.04K viewsscotlaura Answered question March 27, 2023Softwareableton daw mac soundcard 0 Ans Zoom F6 Syncing issue 1.52K viewsrealdecon Asked question October 24, 2022Softwaresyncproblem tentacle sync studio Zoom F6 0 Ans iPhone looses Tentacle devices repeatedly 1.19K viewsJayHartigan Asked question October 23, 2022SoftwareIOS Setup app 1 Ans Tentacle Studio – Windows, BRAW 1.74K viewsFokke van Saane Answered question October 14, 2022Softwarebraw premiere-pro studio sync-studio windows 4 Ans E and F problems with canon cameras 2.57K viewsscotlaura Answered question March 27, 2023SoftwareE and F 4 Ans Music video clip workflow 3.47K viewsFokke van Saane Answered question March 19, 2023Hardwaremusic video overdubbing same timecode 1 Ans FEATURE REQUEST – track selection for output 1.72K viewsFokke van Saane Answered question August 8, 2022Softwareaudio track 2 Ans Sony FX3 Audio TC recorded on channel 2 (via XLR) Sync Studio doesn’t find Audio TC 2.69K viewsFokke van Saane Answered question June 29, 2022SoftwareAudio Track 2 Channel 2 FX3 No Audio TC found Sony FX3 0 Ans Exporting Braw Footage for Premiere 1.49K viewsspartickes Asked question May 29, 2022Softwareblackmagic braw Export Premiere sync-studio 2 Ans Timecode Recorded to Left AND Right audio tracks 2.27K viewsMichael Chylewski Answered question June 18, 2022SoftwareAudio Channels Sonya7s3 4 Ans Compatible with Zoom F3? 6.97K viewsjacob_pritchard Answered question April 25, 2022HardwareZoom F3 4 Ans Battery changed / voltage on battery same across switch / non functioning completely dead 2.81K viewsFokke van Saane Answered question March 18, 2022Hardwarehow to filter out dealerships on Facebook Marketplace tentacle 5 Ans Tentacle Studio exported xml for davinci resolve 4.75K viewsMGHimages Answered question April 6, 2022Software60fps conversion Davinci Resolve 2 Ans Tentacle Studio can’t read A7S 3 audio timecode – 4 channel recording 2.65K viewsoconn69 Answered question December 1, 2022Software4channel a7s 3 0 Ans Show audio files in FCP browser 1.91K viewsessale Asked question October 1, 2021SoftwareFCPX 5 Ans Support for filmic pro 5.35K viewsFokke van Saane Answered question December 26, 2021Softwarefilmic pro filmicpro « Previous 1 2 3 4 … 24 25 Next »